
I couldn't quite decide how to begin, perhaps I should start with a selection of every day decisions that I and presumably many other people struggle with on a daily basis, perhaps I should narrate the thoughts going through my mind as I struggle to make an almost impossible decision, before doing a hilarious pull back and reveal to the incredibly simple decision I am actually faced with, another option could be to build a case claiming that indecisiveness is actually a debilitating condition and attempting to collect for a made up charity to support the victims of indecisiveness across the world.

All great idea's but all ideas I came up with after the brilliant idea I had originally to pretend I couldn't decide how to begin, after which I was forced to come up with feasible ideas for how else it could be started, ironically meaning that I had failed in my attempt to start it indecisively by actually making a decision.
Though thinking about it now, all 3 of those ideas sound better than what I have written so far, maybe I will go back up and actually do one of them, I quite like the charity one...

I have quite a bit of difficulty making decisions, not big decisions, they're quite easy, I can book a holiday or buy a car on a whim (availability of funds being the only potential road block to either decision), because why think about it? If I need a car, why not just buy one? If we want to go on holiday, just book a holiday!

No the decisions that cause me real trouble are the ones that seem unimportant to most, things like "What do you want for tea?" "Do you want some of this cake or that cake?" "Do you want to watch this tv show or that tv show today?" The decisions just don't happen no matter how hard I try.

I do what I can to avoid making these sort of decisions, I will attempt to foist them off onto someone else:

"Oh you decide" 

Or pretend I don't believe there is a decision to be made or care what the outcome is:

"Oh, I don't mind" 

Or if the decision is offered from a distance, perhaps up the stairs of my house, I could make a noise that sounds something like an answer and hope that the recipient makes the choice or me:


Perhaps the reason these are so difficult is because they have little to no bearing on the outcome of the proceedings, they're like the start of one of those adventure games, the ones with multiple endings, like the ones made by quantic dream - Heavy Rain and so on, at the start you get simple decisions to make, they give you a taste for how things work, but you will be directed onto the next part in the same way regardless of what you decide.

Or perhaps I'm worried that it will actually turn out to be the most important decision I ever make, that defines the progression of my life from that point onwards, if everything went wrong in the future, I would find myself looking back at my life and ruing the day I so casually went for that apple pie, if only I could have another chance, I would do it differently, I swear!

I don't know which one it is, you decide.

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