James Square

If you go down to James Square on the first Wednesday of July, you will find the annual James party.

All of the James's meet up in the square at 6:15 (In the pm, we're not milkmen), We collect into blunders of Jamii (the collective noun and plural for James in the wild) and generally James about in the street

A bonfire is built upon which an effigy of James Caan is set alight.
James Bond films are projected onto a large screen at the end of the street for any of the Jamii that may be interested and James Brown CD's are played through loudspeakers.

We try not to be an insular group, we have always welcomed anyone who goes by Jim or Jimmy and in the late nineties an agreement was made to allow all of the Jamies in too.

We are looking to expand our membership further and some of the more liberal of us have been campaigning hard to extend it to similar girls names such as Jane, but unfortunately there are still a lot of the "old boys" - the retired butlers and such, some of whom still won't speak to the Jamies and are completely against any kind of change.

We have also tried to allow for foreign variations to be allowed in, the Jakup's, the Jacum's, the Jaime's and the Xaime's, but we still have a problem with some of the racist Jamii claiming the square is full.

I am unsure how we all manage to fit in, all the millions of Jamii and we manage to fit into a relatively small residential street, but the racists are wrong, there is plenty of room in James square on the 1st Wednesday of every July and if you are called James, or something like James, or even if you just know a James, you should come too.

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