Too Many Hippies

Don't I have such an adorable name for my hips? How on earth could I have too many of those? I have 2, one at the top of each leg, right? Is the hip (the hippy) the hingey part or the bit it connects to? If its the part it connects to, then I only have the one hip and any more would be far too many, where would it go? Would they stack?

Or perhaps there are just too many pairs of hips in the world holding up the torsos of the members of a 1960's youth movement, decorated with flowers and swaying to the psychedelic music?

Maybe at one time there was, but now we are reduced to small pockets of slightly disorientated folk that look as though they live at music festivals, maybe they do? They're there the whole time when I'm there, who am I to suggest they go home to real houses like the rest of us afterwards? There is no proof that Glastonbury becomes a proper dairy farm the rest of the time and anyone who suggests there is is lying.

I have been called a hippy before too, I suppose I have the long hair and I do wish I owned a camper van (also I tend to separate my time fairly evenly between here and my holiday home in the 1960's). If we are talking about me, then yes, it's probably fair to say that 1 of me is about 1 too many.

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